E andiamo verso la chiusura del 2021 con un super annuncio!!
Si unisce al roster Soundsrock Agency anche la super band Beriedir.
Freschissimi di nuovo album, si prospetta una 2022Â pieno di grandi soddisfazioni per questa fantastica band!!
Bio:Beriedir is a progressive power metal act based in Bergamo, Italy. The five-member band was founded by Stefano NĂźsperli and began its live career in 2015, with the release of The Line, their first demo. They released their first full length album, The Path Beyond the Moon, in 2018 after sharing the stage with prominent groups of the metal scene, and an acoustic EP in 2020.In 2021 the band signed with Rockshots Records, and after the first two singles “Departure Song” and “Stormbound”, they are ready for the release of their second full-length album AQVA, out on January 21st 2022.